Pregnancy Choices


Pregnancy Choices

Pregnancy Testing

You can carry out most pregnancy tests on a sample of urine – we advise testing three weeks after unprotected sex for an accurate result. Some very sensitive pregnancy tests can be used earlier, from as early as eight days after conception. All pregnancy tests detect the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) which starts to be produced around six days after fertilisation.

For information on where to access free pregnancy testing see our Contraception Service page, or you can also buy do-it-yourself pregnancy testing kits from pharmacists. They can give a quick result, and you can do the test in private. If you have a test at home it is important to go to your GP or Primary Care Sheffield’s Contraception Service to confirm the result.


Pregnancy Choices

If you are pregnant you may feel a whole range of different emotions. Its best if possible, to try and talk these through with someone you trust, a family member or friend.

If you are pregnant you have 3 options:

  • You can continue with the pregnancy and have a baby
  • You can have the baby and have it adopted
  • You can have an abortion (sometimes called a termination)

Whatever you decide, it is your decision.

If you are sure that you want to keep the baby, you should see your GP as soon as possible to arrange ante-natal care and to talk about looking after your health during your pregnancy.

If you are sure that you want an abortion, you can either see your nurse or doctor at your local GP surgery or you can call 0114 226 8888 to discuss and request a referral to the Termination of Pregnancy Service

You can self-refer to the Termination of Pregnancy Service through G1 Reception by telephone on 0114 226 8225 and selecting Option 1. This service is confidential but if you are under 16 you will need to bring an adult (someone over 18) who you trust when you go for your appointment.

If you are unsure as to what to do, specialist support and advice is available. You can talk this through with your GP (if you feel able to) or call 0114 226 8888 to speak with one of the specialist staff at Primary Care Sheffield to help you make the right choice and who will provide non-judgemental support to help you make your decision.


Unintended pregnancies can be prevented effectively by having a long lasting and reliable form of contraception such as the contraceptive implant, coil or injection. Find out more about different contraception choices here